Postcode Local Trust Round 1 Overview

Round 1 for Postcode Local Trust was open for 7 days, opening on 23rd February at 9am and closing on 1st March at 12 noon. This overview will hopefully give more insight into applying to Postcode Local Trust. From Round 1, there were 68 successful groups, with a total funding amount of £1,136,961 distributed. Application numbers, success rates, and the importance of our funding priorities changes round by round and is not guaranteed to be the same in a future round.

Each application goes through a thorough assessment check, we use an internal scoring guide that is used for application assessment and will consider funding priorities when rounds are oversubscribed. You will read from our numbers that priorities had to be considered in this funding round alongside our internal scoring criteria due to high demands.

Total Numbers

In total, 229 applications were received in Round 1 from organisations applying to Postcode Local Trust. 68 of these were successful, 144 were unsuccessful, and 17 were deemed ineligible. This produces a success rate of 32% of eligible applications.

Funding Priorities

Our funding priorities are different to our funding themes. More information can be found in our funding guide on this. Postcode Local Trust was oversubscribed with strong applications in Round 1, meaning that our funding priorities were required to help with decision making. The more funding priorities a group meets, the higher chance of receiving funding with a strong application.

Our funding priorities are:

  • Funding organisations with an annual income of £250,000 and below
  • Funding for communities that rank as being within the top 15% on the English Indices of Deprivation
  • Funding for groups that are set up to support people from the following minority/marginalised groups
    • Communities experiencing racial inequity
    • Disabled people
    • LGBT+ people

Due to the level of demand, the 68 successful groups from Round 1 met either two or three of our funding priorities. Groups that met 1 funding priority or did not meet any were unfortunately not able to be funded, even if they had a strong application. There were groups that met two or three of our priorities that were not funded as their applications were not strong enough to take forward.

PLT Funding Priorities
Common Eligibility Fails

Out of the 17 applications that were deemed ineligible in Round 1, common eligibility issues included:

  • The organisation applying are a smaller branch of a charity already funded by a Trust supported by People’s Postcode Lottery.
  • The grant requested was over 1/3 of the organisation’s total income.
  • The organisation applying had not been operating for at least one year in its current form. Please see our FAQs for information on our 1-year rule.

Groups that were unsuccessful in Round 1 can apply once more in 2024. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team. You can reach us via email at